Thursday, April 9, 2009


It is what it is. And I need to sleep.

Work is tiring, sleep is tiring, everything is tiring. Even blogging.

So to conclude, Brian = tired. Very tired. All the time.

I know, so interesting. Such is my life, except for the wedding stuff and Vegas, both are weeks and weeks away - just under 6 to be exact. Six long weeks from now, I will be drinking and gambling and relaxing in neon-lighted glory, three days after marrying the love of my life. But 10 hours from having to get up to go on a Hoover Dam tour. Unfortunately, I know they don't allow people to bring alcoholic drinks on the bus. So I must get up early to get my fix in before the three-plus-hour tour.

Goodnight Moon. Maybe tonight you're full?

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