Thursday, March 12, 2009

Relay for Life

Hey everybody, I've decided that I am going to participate in this year's Relay for Life, held at Boston University on April 18th and 19th. It's a walk to raise money for the American Cancer Society done over 12 hours. From 6 pm - 6 am. Us survivors (not the people who lived through the concentration camps, or the people on the TV show on CBS) get to walk the first lap.

I'm getting the info for singing up a team, so if anyone is interested in walking, let me know. If you'd like to donate, once I get whatever it is I need to do on the site done, I'll post a link to the fund-raising page.

I think it would be fun, and hell, since I'm just about done with my treatments, I'd like to start helping others.

UPDATE: Due to circumstances beyond my control (Looking at Mike, Srikanth and Dave), I cannot do the Relay for Life now. However, I would encourage anyone who wants to raise monye for the cause to participate.

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