Thursday, October 23, 2008

There are 7 types of mole sauce

Apparently, there are 7 types of mole sauce. You can read about it here. I probably shouldn't be watching the Food Network while I'm here, I can't get most of what I see. But there really isn't much else on in the middle of the day.

So the chemo isn't making me too sick right now. The drugs they're giving me seem to be controlling that. They started giving me Lasix, which is an extreme diuretic. Within 15-20 minutes of getting it, I start the routine of getting up, going to the bathroom, settling back in bed for about 3 mins then getting back up to go to the bathroom again. I'm going in liter increments; I really wish I was kidding. This may be TMI, but hey, I warned everyone in the first post. I get about 6 L intraveinously daily between the chemo and saline, and they expect to get about that much out.

The nurses have been great so far, but because of my chemo schedule, they're in here at odd times. I won't see them for 3 or 4 hours, and then it's non-stop changing tubes, bags of stuff, taking my temp, blood pressure and heart rate. It's still hard for me to think that I'll be doing this for three weeks, but I'll get used to it. Unfortunately for Ti, I may buy some hospital gowns to bring home (just kidding).

Well, to wrap this post up, I wish everyone the best. I may not be seeing too many of you for quite a while, and some of you I hadn't seen much at all in the past year. We can fix that once this is all over.


mjmercado said...

Can you pick me up a couple of hospital gowns? I need them for when Karen and I...uh, never mind. I just need them. For something. Thanks.


krm said...

Good God. My husband has issues. I'm surprised he didn't start his post with "Do you know how I know you're gay?" KM

ti said...

I was going to leave a post, but I don't know how to follow that up. Other than I'm surprised too, Karen :)

krm said...

At least they seem to be keeping it clean.... so far anyway. It will be interesting what the next couple weeks bring. I did just remind them of "Do you know how I know". Mike might not notice the slide put in our backyard THREE days ago (um, true story), but he's good at making us all laugh. Good night all! Happy peeing, Brian. Sure you're not preggers?